eBay Trading APIVersion 1399


Type defining the ShippingServiceCostOverrideList container, which is used when the seller wants to override flat-rate shipping costs for one or more domestic and/or international shipping service options defined in the Business Policies shipping profile referenced in the SellerProfiles.SellerShippingProfile.ShippingProfileID field of an Add/Revise/Relist call.

Shipping service cost overrides are a listing-level concept, and the shipping costs specified through each ShippingServiceCostOverrideList.ShippingServiceCostOverride container will not change the shipping costs defined for the same shipping services in the Business Policies shipping profile.

Type that uses ShippingServiceCostOverrideListType:

Calls that use ShippingServiceCostOverrideListType:


ShippingServiceCostOverride ( ShippingServiceCostOverrideType ) [0..*]
A ShippingServiceCostOverride container is required for each domestic and/or international shipping service option, defined in the domesticShippingPolicyInfoService and intlShippingPolicyInfoService containers of the Business Policies shipping profile, that the seller wishes to override the shipping costs. Shipping costs include the cost to ship one item, the cost to ship each additional identical item, and any shipping surcharges applicable to domestic shipping services.

Shipping service cost overrides are a listing-level concept, and the shipping costs specified through each ShippingServiceCostOverride container will not change the shipping costs defined for the same shipping service options in the Business Policies shipping profile.

To override the shipping costs for any domestic shipping service option in the Business Policies shipping profile, the ShippingServiceType field should be set to 'Domestic', and to override the shipping costs for any international shipping service option, the ShippingServiceType field should be set to 'International'. For both domestic and international shipping services, the ShippingServicePriority value should match the sortOrderId value for the matching shipping service in the shipping profile. If any of the domestic and/or international shipping service priorities and shipping service options in the Add/Revise/Relist call and Business Policies shipping profile do not match, an error occurs.

If shipping service cost overrides are used in a listing, the ShippingServiceCostOverride container will be returned in the GetItem, and GetSellerList calls.
See the Field Index to learn which calls use ShippingServiceCostOverride.