eBay Post-Order APIVersion 2.7.8


This type is used by the files container, which contains detailed information about one or more files that are submitted and associated with a return request or return request draft.

Types that use ReturnFileType:

Calls that use ReturnFileType:


creationDate ( DateTime ) [0..?]
The timestamp in this container indicates when the file was attached to the return request or return request draft.
See the Field Index to learn which calls use creationDate.

fileData ( string ) [0..?]
This field is the base64-encoded binary representation of the file associated with the return request or return request draft. This field is always returned for each file that is attached to a return request or return request draft.
See the Field Index to learn which calls use fileData.

fileFormat ( FileFormatEnum ) [0..?]
This enumeration value indicates the file type (like .GIF or .JPG). This field is always returned for each file that is attached to a return request or return request draft.
See the Field Index to learn which calls use fileFormat.

fileId ( string ) [0..?]
This is the unique eBay-assigned ID of a file that is associated with the return request or return request draft. This field is always returned for each file that is attached to a return request or return request draft.
See the Field Index to learn which calls use fileId.

fileName ( string ) [0..?]
This field contains the name of the uploaded file. This field will be returned if the user has specified a name for the file.
See the Field Index to learn which calls use fileName.

filePurpose ( FilePurposeEnum ) [0..?]
This enumeration value indicates the file's purpose. Files attached to return requests or return request drafts may provide more information about the condition of the item, about the buyer's refund, or about shipment tracking or shipping label. This field is always returned for each file that is attached to a return request or draft.
See the Field Index to learn which calls use filePurpose.

fileStatus ( FileStatusEnum ) [0..?]
This enumeration value indicates the current status of the file. This field is always returned for each file that is attached to a return request or return request draft.
See the Field Index to learn which calls use fileStatus.

resizedFileData ( string ) [0..?]
This field is the base64-encoded binary representation of the file associated with the return request or return request draft. This field is returned for each file that is attached to a return request or return request draft that has been resized.
See the Field Index to learn which calls use resizedFileData.

secureUrl ( string ) [0..?]
This field contains the URL where the uploaded file can be viewed.
See the Field Index to learn which calls use secureUrl.

submitter ( ReturnUserRoleEnum ) [0..?]
This enumeration value indicates which party (buyer or seller) submitted the file. This field is always returned for each file that is attached to a return request or return request draft.
See the Field Index to learn which calls use submitter.