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Feed types can provide information on active inventories and on orders as downloadable reports. This flow can download an Order report or an Active inventory report. See the Report download feed types for information on the feed types.

Note: There are no feed types that support FeeSettlementReport. Use the Finances API as an alternative to get fee-related information.

Overview of order report flow

An order report shows detailed information on all unacknowledged orders, and all unacknowledged line items in each order for up to the past 30 days. To return an order report:

  1. Create an Order Report task.

    Use the createOrderTask method and the LMS_ORDER_REPORT feed type to create an order report download task. When using this method, configure the reports data by specifying the date range and order status filters using the filterCriteria request field.

    This step returns a taskID in the Location response header (not a response payload field). See Report download feed types for information about the feed type used with this method.

  2. Check the task status.

    Use the getOrderTask method to retrieve task details using the just created Order report task's taskID. Use the getOrderTasks method to retrieve task details for multiple tasks. When checking the status of a task, refer to FeedStatusEnum for the possible order status values.

  3. Download the result file.

    When the order task status is complete, download the result file using taskId and the getResultFile method. Only taskId is required for this operation.

    For successful tasks, the response includes detailed information on all orders that match the filter criteria set up in the createOrderTask. See OrderReport for the definitions. Download a sample file here: OrderReport sample.

The following diagram illustrates the calls used in creating an order report.

Overview of active inventory report flow

An active inventory report is a downloadable report that gives the seller price and quantity information on their active listings and variations within multiple-variation listings. To return an active inventory report:

  1. Create an active inventory report task.

    Use the createInventoryTask method and the LMS_ACTIVE_INVENTORY_REPORT feed type to create an active inventory report download task. When using this method, optionally configure the reports data by specifying the listing format filter using the filterCriteria request field (for example, specify the AUCTION or FIXED_PRICE listing format).

    This step returns a taskID in the Location response header (not a response payload field). See Report download feed types for information about the feed type used with this method.

  2. Check the task status.

    Use the getInventoryTask method to retrieve the task's status using the taskID for a specific active inventory report. Use the getInventoryTasks method to retrieve details for multiple reports. When checking the status, refer to FeedStatusEnum for the possible order status values.

  3. Download the result file.

    When the inventory task status is complete, download the result file using taskId and the getResultFile method. Only taskId is required for this operation.

    For successful tasks, the response includes information such as the price and quantity information for all of the seller’s listings that match the filter criteria of the createInventoryTask. Refer to ActiveInventoryReport for the definitions of the fields contained in the returned file. Download a sample file here: ActiveInventoryReport sample.

The following diagram illustrates the calls used in creating an active inventory report.

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