eBay Post-Order APIVersion 2.7.8


This type is used by the responseHistory array, which consists of detailed information of each activity that occurs with a return request.

Type that uses ReturnResponseHistoryType:

Calls that use ReturnResponseHistoryType:


activity ( ActivityOptionEnum ) [0..?]
This enumeration value indicates the action performed by the buyer, seller, or eBay to move the return request to the next stage. This field is always returned with each action recorded under the responseHistory array.
See the Field Index to learn which calls use activity.

This container consists of various return shipping and buyer refund information, such as the shipping carrier, shipment tracking number, a partial refund amount (if applicable), and a monetary transaction identifier (if applicable). This container will be returned if the the buyer/seller/eBay action (specified in the activity field) requires the data in this container.
See the Field Index to learn which calls use attributes.

This enumeration value indicates the actor (such as buyer, seller, or eBay) that performed the action (specified in the activity field). This field is always with each action recorded under the responseHistory array.
See the Field Index to learn which calls use author.

creationDate ( DateTime ) [0..?]
The timestamp in this container indicates the date/time when the action (specified in the activity field) was performed. This container is always with each action recorded under the responseHistory array.
See the Field Index to learn which calls use creationDate.

fromState ( ReturnStateEnum ) [0..?]
This enumeration value indicates the previous state of the return request before the action (specified in the activity field) was performed. This field is always with each action recorded under the responseHistory array.
See the Field Index to learn which calls use fromState.

notes ( string ) [0..?]
This string value contains a note about the buyer/seller/eBay action (specified in the activity field). This field is only returned if a note exists for the action.
See the Field Index to learn which calls use notes.

toState ( ReturnStateEnum ) [0..?]
This enumeration value indicates the new state of the return after the action (specified in the activity field) was performed. This field is always with each action recorded under the responseHistory array.
See the Field Index to learn which calls use toState.