eBay Trading APIVersion 1399


This type is used to specify the additional listing durations that are available to sellers who have eBay Store subscriptions. The StoreOwnerExtendedListingDurations container is only returned under the SiteDefaults node if the eBay marketplace supports additional listing durations for eBay Store owners, and this container is only returned under a Category node if this eBay category supports additional listing durations for eBay Store owners (other than the durations that are already supported for the category).

Types that use StoreOwnerExtendedListingDurationsType:

Call that uses StoreOwnerExtendedListingDurationsType:


Duration ( token ) [0..*]
Specifies the additional listing duration(s) (in days) supported by the eBay site and/or category. A Duration field is returned for each additional listing duration that the eBay marketplace or category supports.
See the Field Index to learn which calls use Duration.