eBay Trading APIVersion 1399


Note: This type is no longer applicable, as the Featured Gallery listing feature is being deprecated for all sites. If a seller attempts to add Featured Gallery as a listing enhancement, it is allowed, but a warning will be returned announcing the deprecation of the feature. This feature was wired off in September 2019.
Type used by the GalleryFeaturedDurations container that is returned at the SiteDefaults and Category level in a GetCategoryFeatures response. GalleryFeaturedDurations container consists of the supported time durations that a picture gallery can be featured

Types that use ListingEnhancementDurationReferenceType:

Call that uses ListingEnhancementDurationReferenceType:


Duration ( token ) [0..*]
Note: Duration fields are currently still being returned in GetCategoryFeatures response, but Featured Gallery listing feature is deprecated for all sites. If a seller attempts to add Featured Gallery as a listing enhancement, it is allowed, but a warning will be returned announcing the deprecation of the feature.
Each returned Duration field indicates a supported time duration that a picture gallery can be featured. The Lifetime value indicates that the Featured Gallery enhancement will be active for the lifetime of the listing.
See the Field Index to learn which calls use Duration.