eBay Trading APIVersion 1399

ListingStatusCodeType ( token )

Specifies an active or ended listing's status in eBay's processing workflow. If a listing ends with a sale (or sales), eBay needs to update the sale details (e.g., total price and buyer/high bidder) and the transaction fees.

Types that use ListingStatusCodeType:

Calls that use one or more values of ListingStatusCodeType:

Enumeration Values

Value Description
Active The listing is still active or the listing has ended with a sale but eBay has not completed processing the sale details. If the listing has ended with a sale but this Active status is returned, please allow several minutes for eBay to finish processing the listing.
Completed The listing has closed and eBay has completed processing the sale. All sale information returned from eBay should be considered accurate and complete. In this state, all transaction fees should be calculated.
Custom Reserved for internal or future use.
CustomCode Reserved for internal or future use.
Ended The listing has ended. If the listing ended with a sale, eBay has completed processing of the sale. All sale information returned from eBay should be considered accurate and complete. However, the transaction fees are not yet available.
  * See the Enumeration Index to see exact use of each enumeration value in the API.