eBay Trading APIVersion 1399


Type defining the BrandMPN container which is used to identify a product (through a unique product brand and Manufacturer Part Number combination).

Note: If a brand and/or MPN value is required for a category, it is highly recommended that the brand and MPN name/value pair is also passed in through an ItemSpecifics.NameValueList container, since brand and MPN values may be dropped from the listing if eBay is not able to find a eBay catalog product match based on the provided Brand/MPN pair.

Type that uses BrandMPNType:

Calls that use BrandMPNType:


Brand ( string ) [0..1]
The brand of the product. Both Brand and MPN should be specified if the BrandMPN container is used, or an error may occur. If Brand is a required or recommended item specific for a category, but an MPN is not applicable to the category/product, the Brand value should be specified in an Item.ItemSpecifics.NameValueList container instead.

Note: The BrandMPN container is not applicable for multiple-variation listings. For multiple-variation listings that use MPNs, the Brand value should be specified through an ItemSpecifics.NameValueList container, and the Manufacturer Part Numbers (MPNs) for each product variation should be specified through a VariationSpecifics.NameValueList container.
See the Field Index to learn which calls use Brand.

MPN ( string ) [0..1]
The manufacturer part number of the product. Use the value specified by the manufacturer. Both Brand and MPN must be specified if the BrandMPN container is used or an error may occur.

If the listing is being posted to a category that expects an MPN value, but one doesn't exist for the product, the seller must pass in the text that can be found in the ProductDetails.ProductIdentifierUnavailableText field of the GeteBayDetails response. To get the ProductDetails container to return in the GeteBayDetails response, ProductDetails should be included as a DetailName value in the call request.

Note: The BrandMPN container is not applicable for multiple-variation listings. For multiple-variation listings that use MPNs, the Brand value should be specified through an ItemSpecifics.NameValueList container, and the Manufacturer Part Numbers (MPNs) for each product variation should be specified through a VariationSpecifics.NameValueList container.
See the Field Index to learn which calls use MPN.