Type used by the FeedbackHistory container that is returned in the GetUserProfile response. The FeedbackHistory container is only returned if an IncludeSelector field is included in the request with a value set to FeedbackHistory
The FeedbackHistory container consists of various statistical data about the specified eBay user's Feedback history, including counts of Positive, Neutral, and Negative, and Withdrawn Feedback entries for predefined time periods, as well as Detaled Seller Ratings (if applicable to the eBay seller).
Type that uses FeedbackHistoryType:
Call that uses FeedbackHistoryType:
AverageRatingDetails ( AverageRatingDetailsType ) [0..*]
Each returned AverageRatingDetails container shows the seller's current rating for the Detailed Seller Rating type (specified in the RatingDetail field), as well as the total count that this seller has been rated for this particular Detailed Seller Rating type.
This container is only returned if applicable. If the specified eBay user only buys on eBay, these containers will not get returned, and Detailed Seller Ratings are not available or applicable for all sellers.
This container is only returned if applicable. If the specified eBay user only buys on eBay, these containers will not get returned, and Detailed Seller Ratings are not available or applicable for all sellers.
See the Field Index to learn which calls use AverageRatingDetails.
BidRetractionFeedbackPeriods ( FeedbackPeriodType ) [0..*]
A BidRetractionFeedbackPeriods container shows the cumulative number of Withdrawn Feedback entries (shown in Count field) for the specified time period (shown in PeriodInDays field).
See the Field Index to learn which calls use BidRetractionFeedbackPeriods.
NegativeFeedbackPeriods ( FeedbackPeriodType ) [0..*]
A NegativeFeedbackPeriods container shows the cumulative number of Negative Feedback entries (shown in Count field) for the specified time period (shown in PeriodInDays field).
See the Field Index to learn which calls use NegativeFeedbackPeriods.
Number of Neutral comments received from suspended users. This field is only returned if applicable.
See the Field Index to learn which calls use NeutralCommentCountFromSuspendedUsers.
NeutralFeedbackPeriods ( FeedbackPeriodType ) [0..*]
A NeutralFeedbackPeriods container shows the cumulative number of Neutral Feedback entries (shown in Count field) for the specified time period (shown in PeriodInDays field).
See the Field Index to learn which calls use NeutralFeedbackPeriods.
PositiveFeedbackPeriods ( FeedbackPeriodType ) [0..*]
A PositiveFeedbackPeriods container shows the cumulative number of Positive Feedback entries (shown in Count field) for the specified time period (shown in PeriodInDays field).
See the Field Index to learn which calls use PositiveFeedbackPeriods.
TotalFeedbackPeriods ( FeedbackPeriodType ) [0..*]
A TotalFeedbackPeriods container shows the cumulative number of all Feedback entries (shown in Count field) for the specified time period (shown in PeriodInDays field).
See the Field Index to learn which calls use TotalFeedbackPeriods.
This integer value indicates the total number of Negative Feedback entries that a seller has received from unique buyers, ever since the eBay user first registered on eBay. This field is not applicable to users who only buy on eBay since eBay buyers cannot receive Negative feedback from their order partners.
See the Field Index to learn which calls use UniqueNegativeFeedbackCount.
This integer value indicates the total number of Neutral Feedback entries that a seller has received from unique buyers, ever since the eBay user first registered on eBay. This field is not applicable to users who only buy on eBay since eBay buyers cannot receive Neutral feedback from their order partners. This field is only returned if applicable.
See the Field Index to learn which calls use UniqueNeutralFeedbackCount.
This integer value indicates the total number of Positive Feedback entries that the specified eBay user has received (as a buyer or seller) from unique users, ever since the eBay user first registered on eBay.
See the Field Index to learn which calls use UniquePositiveFeedbackCount.