eBay Post-Order APIVersion 2.7.8

Get Return Request Draft Files

GET /post-order/v2/return/draft/{draftId}/files

Use this method to retrieve information about the files associated with a return request draft.

This method is not supported in the Sandbox environment.


See also Samples.

Resource URI (production)

GET https://api.ebay.com/post-order/v2/return/draft/{draftId}/files

URI parameters

Parameter Type Required? Meaning
draftId string Required The unique eBay-assigned ID of the return request draft. The draftId value is required as part of the call URI to identify the return request draft for which associated files will be retrieved.

HTTP request headers

All requests made to eBay REST operations require you to provide the authorization HTTP header for authentication.
See HTTP request headers for details.


This call uses standard authorization tokens. See Making a Call for details.

Payload model

This call has no request payload.


See also Samples.

Payload model

Note: For information about the error fields and how to work with them, see Error Handling.

The following lists all fields that could be included in the response.

Supported response formats: application/json, application/xml

For more information:
- See GetFileResponse for a description of the response structure
- See the following table for descriptions of each of the data elements returned
- See the Samples for an example of the response format

{ /* GetFileResponse */
"files": [
    { /* ReturnFileType */
        { /* DateTime */
        "formattedValue": string,
        "value": datetime
    "fileData": string,
    "fileFormat": string,
    "fileId": string,
    "fileName": string,
    "filePurpose": string,
    "fileStatus": string,
    "resizedFileData": string,
    "secureUrl": string,
    "submitter": string
    /* More ReturnFileType nodes here */

Response field descriptions

Output Container/Field Type Occurrence Meaning
files array of ReturnFileType Conditionally This array consists of details on one or more files associated with the return request or return draft specified in the request. If there are no files associated with the specified return request or return draft, this container will not be returned.
files.creationDate DateTime Conditionally The timestamp in this container indicates when the file was attached to the return request or return request draft.
string Conditionally Reserved for future use.
files.creationDate.value datetime Conditionally This timestamp indicates the date and time when an action or event occurred.

The timestamp is formatted as an ISO 8601 string, which is based on the 24-hour Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) clock.

Format: [YYYY]-[MM]-[DD]T[hh]:[mm]:[ss].[sss]Z
Example: 2022-03-20T00:00:00.000Z
files.fileData string Conditionally This field is the base64-encoded binary representation of the file associated with the return request or return request draft. This field is always returned for each file that is attached to a return request or return request draft.
files.fileFormat string Conditionally This enumeration value indicates the file type (like .GIF or .JPG). This field is always returned for each file that is attached to a return request or return request draft.

Applicable values are from FileFormatEnum:See fileFormat.
Code so that your app gracefully handles any future changes to this list.
files.fileId string Conditionally This is the unique eBay-assigned ID of a file that is associated with the return request or return request draft. This field is always returned for each file that is attached to a return request or return request draft.
files.fileName string Conditionally This field contains the name of the uploaded file. This field will be returned if the user has specified a name for the file.
files.filePurpose string Conditionally This enumeration value indicates the file's purpose. Files attached to return requests or return request drafts may provide more information about the condition of the item, about the buyer's refund, or about shipment tracking or shipping label. This field is always returned for each file that is attached to a return request or draft.

Applicable values are from FilePurposeEnum:

This enumeration value indicates that the file is intended to provide more information about the item. For example, in a case where the buyer and seller are in disagreement over the condition of the item, the buyer or seller may provide a photo of the item that visually shows the condition of the item.
This enumeration value indicates that the file is intended to provide more information about a shipping label or shipment tracking information. For example, in a case where the buyer and seller are in disagreement over whether shipment tracking information has been provided or not, the buyer or seller may provide a photo of the shipping label itself, or they may provide a file that proves a package has been shipped or delivered.
This enumeration value indicates that the file is intended to provide more information about a buyer refund. For example, in a case where the buyer is saying that they have not recieved their refund, the seller may provide a file that proves that a refund has been issued.
This enumeration value should not be used in a Submit/Upload File request, but it is possible that this value may get returned in a response if the purpose of the file is not known.

Code so that your app gracefully handles any future changes to this list.
files.fileStatus string Conditionally This enumeration value indicates the current status of the file. This field is always returned for each file that is attached to a return request or return request draft.

Applicable values are from FileStatusEnum:

This enumeration value indicates that the file has been created, but has yet to be associated with a return request or draft.
This enumeration value indicates that the file has been removed, or unassociated with a return request or draft.
This enumeration value indicates that the file has been associated with a return request or draft.
This enumeration value indicates that the status of the file is unknown.

Code so that your app gracefully handles any future changes to this list.
files.resizedFileData string Conditionally This field is the base64-encoded binary representation of the file associated with the return request or return request draft. This field is returned for each file that is attached to a return request or return request draft that has been resized.
files.secureUrl string Conditionally This field contains the URL where the uploaded file can be viewed.
files.submitter string Conditionally This enumeration value indicates which party (buyer or seller) submitted the file. This field is always returned for each file that is attached to a return request or return request draft.

Applicable values are from ReturnUserRoleEnum:

This enumeration value indicates that the buyer performed the action on the return request.
This enumeration value indicates that eBay customer support performed the action on the return request.
This enumeration value indicates that it is unknown who/what performed the action on the return request.
This enumeration value indicates that the seller performed the action on the return request.
This enumeration value indicates that the action on the return request was an automated action initiated by eBay's system.

Code so that your app gracefully handles any future changes to this list.


New to making API calls? Please see Making a Call.

Note: Some item IDs, user IDs, or other data in these samples might no longer be active on eBay. If necessary, you can substitute current eBay data in your requests.

Sample: Basic Call

Retrieves any files associated with a return draft.


This call is used to retrieve any files associated with a return draft. If no files are associated with the specified return draft, no output payload will be returned.


A draft ID value for the return draft is passed in as a path parameter. There is no request payload for this call.

URL format. See also the non-wrapped version of this URL.

GET https://api.ebay.com/post-order/v2/return/draft/5********1/files


The response shows that two files are associated with the return draft. One of the files is related to the condition of the item, and the other file is related to the shipping label and/or shipment tracking information. Both files are in the CREATED status. The next status beyond CREATED is PUBLISHED, but this status is only possible for actual return requests and not return drafts.

JSON format.
"files": [
        "value": "2015-08-05T20:18:17.000Z"
    "fileData": [47,57,106,...,81,61,61],
    "fileFormat": JPG,
    "fileId": "5********2",
    "filePurpose": ITEM_RELATED,
    "fileStatus": CREATED,
    "submitter": BUYER
				"value": "2015-08-05T20:18:17.000Z"
		"fileData": [23,64,110,...,41,67,84],
		"fileFormat": BMP,
		"fileId": "5********3",
		"filePurpose": LABEL_RELATED,
		"fileStatus": CREATED,
		"submitter": BUYER

Change History

Change Date Description