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This type defines the rules that govern the generation of a report task and the criteria that's used to create the report. The report-generation rules include the starting and ending dates for the report. Report-task criteria includes the report dimensions, metrics, listings covered in the report, and so on. For information on the required and optional fields for each report type, see Promoted Listings reporting.

Types that use CreateReportTask

Not used by any types.

Call that uses CreateReportTask


A list of additional records that shall be included in the report, such as non-performing data.

Note: Additional records are only applicable to Promoted Listings priority strategy campaigns that use the Cost Per Click (CPC) funding model.
array of string
A list of campaign IDs to be included in the report task. Use the getCampaigns method to retrieve a list of the current campaign IDs for a seller.

For general campaign strategy sellers, this field is required if the reportType is set to CAMPAIGN_PERFORMANCE_REPORT or CAMPAIGN_PERFORMANCE_SUMMARY_REPORT.

For priority strategy campaign sellers, leave this request field blank to retrieve the details for all campaigns associated with your account, or specify the campaign IDs for which you would like to retrieve the campaign-specific details.

Note: There is a maximum data limit that cannot be exceeded when generating reports. If this threshold is exceeded, the report will fail. Refer to Promoted Listings reporting in the Selling Integration Guide for details.

Maximum: 1,000 IDs
array of ChannelEnum
The channel for the advertising campaign that will be included in the report task. This value indicates whether the data included in the report task is for an Onsite or Offsite advertising campaign.

If no value is entered, this field will default to ON_SITE. Multiple channels are not supported.

Note: Channels are only applicable for campaigns that use the Cost Per Click (CPC) funding model.
Valid Values:
This field is required and must be set to OFF_SITE if the report is for a Offsite Ads campaign.
The date defining the start of the timespan covered by the report.

Format the timestamp as an ISO 8601 string, which is based on the 24-hour Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) clock with local offset.

Note: The date specified cannot be a future date.

Format: [YYYY]-[MM]-[DD]T[hh]:[mm]:[ss].[sss]Z

Example: 2021-03-15T13:00:00-07:00
The date defining the end of the timespan covered by the report.

As with the dateFrom field, format the timestamp as an ISO 8601 string.

Note: The date specified cannot be a future date. Additionally, the time specified must be a later time than that specified in the dateFrom field.

Format: [YYYY]-[MM]-[DD]T[hh]:[mm]:[ss].[sss]Z

Example: 2021-03-17T13:00:00-07:00
array of Dimension
The list of the dimensions applied to the report.

A dimension is an attribute to which the report data applies. For example, if you set dimensionKey to campaign_id in a Campaign Performance Report, the data will apply to the entire ad campaign. For information on the dimensions and how to specify them, see Promoted Listings reporting.

The funding model for the campaign that shall be included in the report.

Note: The default funding model for Promoted Listings reports is COST_PER_SALE.

Note: Multiple value support for the fundingModels array has been deprecated. See API Deprecation Status for information.

Valid Values:
Required if the campaign funding model is Cost Per Click (CPC).
You can use this field to supply an array of items to include in the report if you manage your inventory with the Inventory API.

This field is mutually exclusive with the listingIds field; if you populate this field, do not populate the listingIds field.

An inventory reference identifies an item in your inventory using a pair of values, where the inventoryReferenceId can be either a seller-defined SKU value or an inventoryItemGroupKey, where an inventoryItemGroupKey is seller-defined ID for an inventory item group (a multiple-variation listing).

Couple the inventoryReferenceId with an inventoryReferenceType identifier to fully identify an item in your inventory.

Maximum: 500 items

Required if you do not supply an array of listingId values or if you set reportType to INVENTORY_PERFORMANCE_REPORT.
array of string
Use this field to supply an array of eBay listing IDs you want to include in the report.

Important: This field is mutually exclusive with the inventoryReferences field; if you populate this field, do not populate the inventoryReferences field.
For general campaign strategy sellers, this field is required if you do not supply an array of inventoryReferences values or if you set the reportType to LISTING_PERFORMANCE_REPORT.

For priority strategy campaign sellers, leave this field blank to retrieve the details for all listings associated with the specified campaign IDs (or all campaigns associated with your account, if no campaign IDs are specified), or specify the listing IDs for which you would like to retrieve the listing-specific details.

Note: There is a maximum data limit that cannot be exceeded when generating reports. If this threshold is exceeded, the report will fail. Refer to Promoted Listings reporting in the Selling Integration Guide for details.

Maximum: 500 listings
The unique identifier for the eBay marketplace on which the report is based.
array of string
The list of metrics to be included in the report.

Metrics are the quantitative measurements compiled into the report and the data returned is based on the specified dimension of the report. For example, if the dimension is campaign, the metrics for number of sales would be the number of sales in the campaign. However, if the dimension is listing, the number of sales represents the number of items sold in that listing.

For information on metric keys and how to set them, see Promoted Listings reporting.

Minimum: 1
The file format of the report. Currently, the only supported format is TSV_GZIP, which is a gzip file with tab separated values.
The type of report to be generated, such as ACCOUNT_PERFORMANCE_REPORT or CAMPAIGN_PERFORMANCE_REPORT.

Note: INVENTORY_PERFORMANCE_REPORT is not currently available; availability date is pending.

Maximum: 1