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This API is used to retrieve seller payouts and monetary transaction details related to those payouts.


Method NameHTTP MethodPathSummarySamples
getPayoutGET/payout/{payout_Id}Retrieves the details of a specific seller payout.View getPayout - /payout/{payout_Id}
getPayoutsGET/payoutRetrieves the details of seller payouts matching search criteria.View getPayouts - /payout
getPayoutSummaryGET/payout_summaryRetrieves the total count and values of a seller's payouts, and the number of monetary transactions associated with those payouts.View getPayoutSummary - /payout_summary


Method NameHTTP MethodPathSummarySamples
getSellerFundsSummaryGET/seller_funds_summaryRetrieves all pending funds that have not yet been distributed through a seller payout.View getSellerFundsSummary - /seller_funds_summary


Method NameHTTP MethodPathSummarySamples
getTransactionsGET/transactionRetrieves the details of monetary transactions matching search criteria.View getTransactions - /transaction
getTransactionSummaryGET/transaction_summaryRetrieves the total counts and values for various monetary transactions occurring with the seller's account.View getTransactionSummary - /transaction_summary


Method NameHTTP MethodPathSummarySamples
getTransferGET/transfer/{transfer_Id}Retrieves detailed information on a monetary transaction where the seller is reimbursing eBay for one or more changes, such as a buyer refund.View getTransfer - /transfer/{transfer_Id}