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This complex data type defines the details of the customer service metric and benchmark data related to the associated dimension.

Type that uses Metric


Call that uses Metric


This complex type defines a set of benchmark data, which includes the average rating for the group included in the benchmark evaluation and the seller's calculated customer service metric rating for the benchmark.

This container is returned only if the associated metricKey value is RATE.
Returned when metricKey equals COUNT, this field returns an array of seller data where each set of data is grouped according by an overarching basis.

When the seller distribution is returned, the numeric value of the associated value container equals the sum of the transactions where the seller meets the criteria of the customer service metric type for the given dimension during the evaluationCycle.
This field indicates the customer service metric being returned in the associated metrics container. The field is set as follows:
  • TRANSACTION_COUNT – When set to this value, the associated value field returns the number of transactions completed in the peer group for the metric being evaluated in the associated dimension and evaluationCycle.
  • COUNT – When set to this value, the associated value field is set to the number of transactions completed by the seller for the metric being evaluated in the associated dimension and evaluationCycle.
  • RATE – When set to this value, the fields in the associated container return the seller's calculated value for the associated customer service metric along with the benchmark data against which the seller is evaluated.

    Specifically, when metricKey is set to RATE, the associated value field is set to the value of metricKey TRANSACTION_COUNT divided by the value of metricKey COUNT.

    The benchmark.rating value is the seller's rating for the metric in the associated dimension and evaluationCycle.
This field is set to the seller's numeric rating for the associated metricKey for the given dimension during the evaluationCycle.

To determine the seller's rating for this metric, the value of this field is compared to the average metric value of the group.

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