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Note: This is the v1_beta version of the Order API which supports member checkout payment flows. If you need to support guest checkout payment flows, please use the v2 version of the Order API.

Just getting started with the Order API? See the following documents for details on using this API:

See the API Site Status for announcements regarding recently resolved or current system wide issues. Visit the Developer Support page for support options and information on filing bugs.

The API release history

The following table lists recent Order API releases. For older releases, see the Order API (v1_beta) Release Notes Archive.

Release Version Release Date Description of Release
v1_beta.37.0 2025-02-05 Added new BUYER_PROTECTION enum to ServiceTypeEnum.
v1_beta.36.0 2023-10-04 Added itemOnHold field to OrderLineItem type.
v1_beta.35.0 2023-07-25 Added support for purchasing auction items.
v1_beta.34.0 2022-01-10 Added support for paying the international duties at checkout
v1_beta.33.1 2022-10-10 Updated error messages about PayPal accounts for the placeOrder method
v1_beta.33.0 2022-09-22 Added ebayShipping boolean to Checkout and Order
v1_beta.32.0 2022-08-15 Added enumeration values for tax classifications
v1_beta.31.0 2022-06-14
  • Added support to collect and remit (C&R) Canada sales tax
  • Removed guest checkout payment flows
v1_beta.30.0 2022-02-22 Added types and methods to support the selection of add-on services to items in an order.
v1_beta.29.1 2021-03-10 Removed support for applied coupons and promotion codes from the getPurchaseOrder and getGuestPurchaseOrder methods.
v1_beta.29.0 2020-12-23
  • Added support for line item tax details.
  • Updated response field descriptions to inform of value-added tax (VAT) inclusion in applicable jurisdictions.



A new BUYER_PROTECTION enum was added under ServiceTypeEnum type to account for the new Buyer Protection fee that will be charged to buyers purchasing items from private sellers on the eBay UK marketplace. eBay will automatically add this fee to the checkout session and getPurchaseOrder response. The Buyer Protection fee and the tax against the fee will be shown under the addonServices array.

Please note that the updateAddonServicesStatus method cannot be used to remove the Buyer Protection service. The following error code will be returned if this is attempted: 18005: Selected add-on service {fieldName} is required for this purchase.


The following changes have been incorporated in this release.

Schema change

The following field has been added to the OrderLineItem type which is used by the getPurchaseOrder method:

  • itemOnHold: When this value is true it indicates that the item has been put on hold due to a violation of eBay Policy.


The following sections describe the changes implemented in this release.

Added Support for Purchasing Auction Items

Buyers can now purchase items that have been won in an auction.

Added New Error Message

Error message 15056 has been added to the initiateGuestCheckoutSession method, as shown in the table below.

Error ID Description
15056 The buyer is not the winning bidder of the auction.

Revised Error Message

The description for error message 15018 has been updated as shown in the table below. This affects the initiateCheckoutSession method.

Error ID Description
15018 The item is not available for purchase. This can be for several reasons including the listing has ended. Remove the item and resubmit the call.


The following sections describe the changes implemented in this release.

Added support for paying international duties at checkout

Buyers can now choose to pay international duties during checkout.

If an item is eligible both for payment of duties at pickup and payment of duties during checkout, only the option to collect duties during checkout will be offered.

Added new enum

The IMPORT_DUTY_TAX enum was added to the TaxClassificationEnum type. This enum indicates that the import duties are being collected from the buyer at checkout.

Added importDuties to the lineItem and PricingSummary containers

The importDuties container was added to lineItem and PricingSummary in the following methods. The amount in the importDuties fields indicate the amount of import duties due at checkout for the line item and order, respectively.

importDuties applies only to eBay International Shipping (eIS) orders, and eIS is only available to sellers on the US marketplace.
  • initiateCheckoutSession
  • getCheckoutSession
  • updatePaymentInfo
  • updateQuantity
  • updateShippingOption
  • updateShippingAddress
  • applyCoupon
  • removeCouple
  • updateAddonServicesStatus
  • getPurchaseOrder


The following sections describe the changes implemented in this release.

Updated a new error message

The description for error message 15004 was updated as shown in the table below. This affects the placeOrder method.

Error ID



The buyer's credit card information is missing. Please submit the buyer's credit card information using updatePaymentInfo method.

Removed an error message

Error message 15030, as shown in the table below, was removed from the placeOrder method.

Error ID



To place the order, the user must have accepted the PayPal User Agreement and Privacy Policy. If they have explicitly accepted these, pass in true in the paymentTermsAccepted field. For more information, see the documentation for this call.


The following section describes the changes implemented in this release.

Added a new ebayShipping boolean field to Checkout and Order

This boolean field is returned as 'true' if eBay (and not the seller) will handle the shipment of the authenticated item to the buyer's address.

In Checkout, if this field is returned, the value in the ShippingOption container indicates the shipping cost the buyer will pay to eBay.

In Order, if this field is returned, the value in the ShippingDetail container indicates the shipping cost the buyer paid to eBay.


The following section describes the changes implemented in this release.

Enumeration values added for tax classification codes

These values were added to the taxClassificationEnum type:

  • DOMESTIC_LEG_TAX: Tax collected for shipping fees that are charged on the domestic leg of an international order
  • HANDLING_TAX: Tax collected for handling costs
  • IMPORT_TAX: Tax collected for fees charged to import an order, based on the value of the item
  • INTERNATIONAL_LEG_TAX: Tax collected for shipping fees that are charged on the international leg of an international order
  • SHIPPING_IMPORT_TAX: Tax collected for fees charged to import an order, based on the cost of the international leg of shipping


The following sections describe the changes implemented in this release.

eBay now collects and remits Canadian federal and provincial sales tax

To support the handling and processing of Canadian sales tax, the following changes have been implemented.

Added new taxDetails container at the Order level

A new taxDetails container has been added to the CheckoutSessionResponse and PurchaseOrder types for the checkout and order methods.

This container provides detailed information about the Canadian taxes being collected for an order.

Schema Changes

To support the new taxDetails container, the following types were added:

  • TaxDetails
  • TaxClassificationEnum
  • TaxClassificationDetail

Removed Guest Checkout Flows

Order v1 API no longer supports guest checkout payment flows.

Schema Changes

The following methods (and all related resources) have been removed:

  • guest_checkout_session
  • proxy_guest_checkout_session
  • guest_purchase_order

Note: If you have a use case that requires guest checkout payment flows, please use the v2 version Order API.


The following sections describe the changes implemented in this release.

Added the method updateAddonServicesStatus to checkout_session

The new method updateAddonServicesStatus defines which add-on services are selected for a checkout session.

Added the types AddonService and AddonServiceInput

AddonService defines the add-on services that apply to a line item in an order. AddonServiceInput defines the add-on services that are selected for a checkout session.

Note: Although this field is still returned in the response payloads, no promotion data will be provided.


The following sections describe the changes implemented in this release.

Removed support for applied coupons

The appliedCoupons container is no longer returned in the response payload of the getPurchaseOrder and getGuestPurchaseOrder methods.

Removed support for promotion codes

Promotion data is no longer returned for the promotionCode field in the response payload of the getPurchaseOrder and getGuestPurchaseOrder methods.

Note: Although this field is still returned in the response payloads, no promotion data will be provided.


The following sections describe the changes implemented in this release.

Added a new taxDetails container

A new taxDetails container was added to the LineItem and OrderLineItem types for the checkout and order methods.

This new container provides a breakdown of the tax information for the line item, such as the tax jurisdiction and the tax type.

Updated field descriptions for value-added tax (VAT)

The following response field descriptions where updated to inform users that the value returned includes a value-added tax (VAT) for applicable jurisdictions when requested from supported marketplaces:

  • baseDeliveryCost
  • baseUnitPrice
  • deliveryCost
  • priceSubtotal

To see the VAT-inclusive pricing/cost, users must pass the X-EBAY-C-MARKETPLACE-ID request header specifying the supported marketplace (such as EBAY_GB).

Note: Refer to the VAT Obligations in the EU article for more information about VAT.

Schema changes

To support the new taxDetails container, the following new types were added:

  • Region
  • RegionTypeEnum
  • TaxDetail
  • TaxJurisdiction
  • TaxType