eBay Post-Order APIVersion 2.7.8

Initiate Return Shipping Label

POST /post-order/v2/return/{returnId}/initiate_shipping_label

This method is used on behalf of the buyer to initiate the creation of an eBay return shipping label. This method needs to be run before the shipping label can be retrieved with the GET /post-order/v2/return/{returnId}/get_shipping_label method or before the shipping label can be sent to an email address using the POST /post-order/v2/return/{returnId}/send_shipping_label method.

This method is not supported in the Sandbox environment.


See also Samples.

Resource URI (production)

POST https://api.ebay.com/post-order/v2/return/{returnId}/initiate_shipping_label

URI parameters

Parameter Type Required? Meaning
returnId string Required The unique eBay-assigned ID of the return. The returnId value is required and is passed in as part of the call URI to identify the return request for which a return shipping label is being initiated.

HTTP request headers

All requests made to eBay REST operations require you to provide the authorization HTTP header for authentication.
See HTTP request headers for details.


This call uses standard authorization tokens. See Making a Call for details.

Payload model

This call has no request payload.


See also Samples.

Payload model

Note: For information about the error fields and how to work with them, see Error Handling.

The following lists all fields that could be included in the response.

Supported response formats: application/json, application/xml

For more information:
- See InitiateShippingLabelResponse for a description of the response structure
- See the following table for descriptions of each of the data elements returned
- See the Samples for an example of the response format

{ /* InitiateShippingLabelResponse */
"carrier": string,
"labelData": string,
"labelURL": string,
"trackingNumber": string

Response field descriptions

Output Container/Field Type Occurrence Meaning
carrier string Conditionally This enumeration value indicates the shipping carrier that will be used to ship the return item. The ShippingCarrierEnum type definition contains some popular shipping carriers for the US, UK, Germany, Canada, and Australia, but it is not a complete list.

Applicable values: See ShippingCarrierEnum
labelData string Conditionally This field contains the text of the shipping label.
labelURL string Conditionally This field provides the URL to the page where the buyer can download and print out the shipping label.
trackingNumber string Conditionally This value is the tracking number on the shipping label. Shipment tracking is available for most shipping carriers.


New to making API calls? Please see Making a Call.

Note: Some item IDs, user IDs, or other data in these samples might no longer be active on eBay. If necessary, you can substitute current eBay data in your requests.

Sample: Initiate a Shipping Label

This buyer-side operation generates an eBay return shipping label for the buyer.


If the assocated eBay site supports eBay labels, use this operation to provision an eBay return shipping label for the buyer.


The returnId parameter is required to identify the return to which the return shipping label will apply. This call has no request payload.

URL format. See also the non-wrapped version of this URL.

POST https://api.sandbox.ebay.com/post-order/v2/return/5********8/initiate_shipping_label


If the call is successful, a return shiping label is created and the response payload includes information on the return shipping label, including the shipping carrier and tracking number. In this particular sample, the carrier is USPS, and there is a URL where the shipment can be tracked.

JSON format.
  "carrier": "USPS",
  "labelData": "B** B****, 2******************e, ********, CA 9***5, United States",
  "labelURL": "https://return.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ResolveReturn&eventName=returnLabel&returnId=5********8",
  "trackingNumber": "9********************9"

Change History

Change Date Description