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This type is used to display the result for each offer and/or inventory item that the seller attempted to update with a bulkUpdatePriceQuantity call. If any errors or warnings occur, the error/warning data is returned at the offer/inventory item level.

Type that uses PriceQuantityResponse


Call that uses PriceQuantityResponse


array of ErrorDetailV3
This array will be returned if there were one or more errors associated with the update to the offer or inventory item record.
The unique identifier of the offer that was updated. This field will not be returned in situations where the seller is only updating the total 'ship-to-home' quantity of an inventory item record.
This is the seller-defined SKU value of the product. This field is returned whether the seller attempted to update an offer with the SKU value or just attempted to update the total 'ship-to-home' quantity of an inventory item record.

Max Length: 50
The value returned in this container will indicate the status of the attempt to update the price and/or quantity of the offer (specified in the corresponding offerId field) or the attempt to update the total 'ship-to-home' quantity of an inventory item (specified in the corresponding sku field). For a completely successful update of an offer or inventory item record, a value of 200 will appear in this field. A user can view the HTTP status codes section for information on other status codes that may be returned with the bulkUpdatePriceQuantity method.
array of ErrorDetailV3
This array will be returned if there were one or more warnings associated with the update to the offer or inventory item record.

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