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The Media API lets sellers to create, upload, and retrieve files, including:

  • videos
  • documents (for GPSR regulations)


Method NameHTTP MethodPathSummarySamples
createVideoPOST/videoProvides metadata for a video that will be uploaded via uploadVideo.View createVideo - /video
getVideoGET/video/{video_id}Retrieves the details for a specified video.View getVideo - /video/{video_id}
uploadVideoPOST/video/{video_id}/uploadUploads a video based on a provided video input source file and video ID.View uploadVideo - /video/{video_id}/upload


Method NameHTTP MethodPathSummarySamples
createDocumentPOST/documentCreates a document ID with metadata that is used to upload a document file.View createDocument - /document
createDocumentFromUrlPOST/document/create_document_from_urlDownloads a document from the provided URL and adds the document to the user's account.View createDocumentFromUrl - /document/create_document_from_url
getDocumentGET/document/{document_id}Retrieves the details and status of the specified document.View getDocument - /document/{document_id}
uploadDocumentPOST/document/{document_id}/uploadUploads the document file associated with the specified document ID.View uploadDocument - /document/{document_id}/upload