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A type that returns cost details for all of the line items in the order, such as tax, item price, delivery cost, and discounts.

Type that uses PricingSummaryV2


Calls that use PricingSummaryV2


The total amount of the coupon discounts in the purchase order.
The total amount of any seller adjustments. An adjustment can be a credit or debit. This is used to catch any monetary changes to the order that are not already captured in one of the other fields.
The delivery cost for all of the line items, after any delivery discounts are applied.

For example, there are four line items, and the delivery cost for each line item is $5. One of the line items qualifies for free delivery. The deliveryCost would be $15, which is the total cost for delivering all of the line items after the discount is applied.

Note: The cost includes the value-added tax (VAT) for applicable jurisdictions when requested from supported marketplaces. In this case, users must pass the X-EBAY-C-MARKETPLACE-ID request header specifying the supported marketplace (such as EBAY_GB) to see VAT-inclusive pricing. For more information on VAT, refer to VAT Obligations in the EU.
The total amount of any fees for all the line items in the order, such as a recycling fee.
The sum of all Global Shipping Program import charges, for all the line items in the order.
The type of import tax applicable to the order, and the total amount of tax for all line items in the order.
The total discount amount for all line items in the order.

For example, there are four line items in the order. Two of the line items qualify for a Buy 1, Get 1 offer, which is a $6 and a $15 discount. The priceDiscount value returned would be 21, which is the total of the two discounts.

Note: Delivery discount amounts, if applicable, are not reflected in the value returned in this field.
The total cost for all line items in the order, taking into account the item quantity, but before adding taxes and delivery costs, or applying discounts, fees, and adjustments.

Note: The price includes the value-added tax (VAT) for applicable jurisdictions when requested from supported marketplaces. In this case, users must pass the X-EBAY-C-MARKETPLACE-ID request header specifying the supported marketplace (such as EBAY_GB) to see VAT-inclusive pricing. For more information on VAT, refer to VAT Obligations in the EU.
The total amount of taxes for all line items in the order.
The total cost of the order, which includes: (priceSubtotal - priceDiscount) + deliveryCost + tax +/- adjustment + fee + importCharges - additionalSavings.

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