New item listings are created by issuing the appropriate Trading API call. The following sections provide information about which call to issue depending on the specific number and type of item listing is being created.


To create a single item listing, issue an AddItem call. This call supports the following types of listings:

  • Auction
  • Fixed Price
  • Classified Ads

Note: AddItem does not support the creation of multiple variation listings. Multiple variation listings must be created using AddFixedPriceItem.

In addition to creating the requested listing, this call returns the item ID (i.e., the eBay-generated, unique identifier for the new listing,) as well as the listing fees that the seller can expect to pay for their listing.

Because GetItem does not return an item's listing fees, make note of the fees returned from AddItem in order to maintain a record of the expected fees. The GetAccount call can also be used to retrieve all fees to a seller's account.

Note: Refer to Fees for additional information.

For complete information about the AddItem call, refer to the AddItem reference documentation page.


Up to 5 item listings may be created at one time by issuing the AddItems call. As with AddItem, this call supports the following types of listings:

  • Auction
  • Fixed Price
  • Classified Ads

For complete information about the AddItems call, refer to the AddItems reference documentation page.

Note: For information about the bulk creation of listings, refer to the Sell Feed API and/or the Inventory API.


Fixed-price item listings, as well as multiple variation listings, are created using AddFixedPriceItem. As with AddItem, AddFixedPriceItem returns the item ID (i.e., the eBay-generated, unique identifier for the new listing,) as well as anticipated listing fees that the seller can expect to pay for their listing.

Note: Refer to Fees for additional information.

Because GetItem does not return an item's listing fees, you should save the fees returned from AddItem if you want to keep a record of the expected fees. The GetAccount call can also be used to retrieve all fees to a seller's account.

For complete information about the AddFixedPriceItem call, refer to the AddFixedPriceItem reference documentation page.


The usage and functionality of VerifyAddItem is identical to that of its AddItem counterpart with one important exception: the item listing is not published.

Note: VerifyAddItem does not support the verification of multiple variation listings. Multiple variation listings must be verified using VerifyAddFixedPriceItem.

VerifyAddItem uses the same request payload as AddItem and triggers the same errors and/or warnings (if there are any). It also returns the anticipated listing fees.

Once the VerifyAddItem call is successfully completed and no errors/warnings are returned, the item listing can then be published by issuing an AddItem call using the same (unchanged) ItemType object.

For complete information about the VerifyAddItem call, refer to the VerifyAddItem reference documentation page.


The usage and functionality of VerifyAddFixedPriceItem is identical to that of its AddFixedPriceItem counterpart with one important exception: the item listing is not published.

VerifyAddFixedPriceItem uses the same request payload as AddFixedPriceItem and triggers the same errors and/or warnings (if there are any). It also returns the anticipated listing fees.

Once the VerifyAddFixedPriceItem call is successfully completed and no errors/warnings are returned, the item listing can then be published by issuing an AddFixedPriceItem call using the same (unchanged) ItemType object.

For complete information about the VerifyAddFixedPriceItem call, refer to the VerifyAddFixedPriceItem reference documentation page.