Each listing a seller creates must include the following information for buyers:

  • Fulfillment (i.e., shipping,) information
  • Payment information
  • Return information

To simplify/streamline this aspect of the listing creation process, sellers can — if they chose to — opt-in to using eBay Business Policies. Doing so allows sellers to save each of their Fulfillment Policy, Payment Policy, and Return Policy preferences in saved templates which can easily and efficiently be applied to their listings. For additional information, refer to Business policies.

Create business policies

Business Policies are normally created using the following methods included in the REST-based Account API:

  • createFulfillmentPolicy

    This method creates a new fulfillment policy where the policy encapsulates seller's terms for fulfilling item purchases. Fulfillment policies include the shipment options that the seller offers to buyers.

    A successful call returns:

  • createPaymentPolicy

    This method creates a new payment policy where the policy encapsulates seller's terms for order payments.

    A successful call returns:

  • createReturnPolicy

    This method creates a new return policy where the policy encapsulates seller's terms for returning items.

    A successful call returns:

Note: Business Policies can also be created/modified on the Business Policies page located in My eBay.

Apply business policies

Once one or more Business Policies have been created, they are applied to a listing using an Add/Revise/Relist call. The policy ID and/or name of the policy to be applied are passed in via the Item.SellerProfiles field.