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Published: February 01 2007, 12:12:00 PMUpdated: August 08 2022, 4:09:36 AM
According to the documentation, a seller can offer up to 3 domestic shipping services.
I put 3 shipping services in my AddItem call, and the call returns me the item number with no errors or warnings.
However, the ViewItem page only shows the first shipping service ... what is going on?
The problem is either the Version (Compatibility Level) you have indicated in your request is too old, or some of the shipping services may not be available to the site from which you are viewing the item.
- The Version (Compatibility Level) you have indicated in your AddItem request is too old.
Let's say you have the following ShippingDetails in your AddItem call for an item listing in the US:
<ShippingServiceCost currencyID="USD">3.9</ShippingServiceCost>
<ShippingServiceCost currencyID="USD">9.9</ShippingServiceCost>
<ShippingServiceCost currencyID="USD">7.95</ShippingServiceCost>
If the Version you used in your AddItem call was less than 353, then your item will be listed with only the first shipping service.
No errors or warnings may be returned.
This is because the feature for multiple shipping services was added with the 353 release of the API.
Please remember that if you are using the XML API, you indicated the Version by setting the X-EBAY-API-COMPATIBILITY-LEVEL HTTP Header to the Version number, for example 497.
If you use the SOAP API, then you should set the Version of the RequestType object you are using (AddItemRequestType for AddItem calls).
If you use the .NET SDK or the Java SDK, then you should set the Version on the ApiContext object you are using, as well as on the call wrapper object.
- Some of the shipping services may not be available to the site from which you are viewing the item.
Each site now has built in logic to determine what shipping services are valid for the country or countries that the site respresents.
The shipping services that are not available to these countries will automatically not appear on the ViewItem page.
Generally speaking, on the ViewItem page, there will be a drop down box with a list of valid shipping destinations, and selecting among the list may dynamically change the list of shipping services to show the ones that are valid for the chosen destination.