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Published: August 23 2006, 5:09:00 PMUpdated: July 27 2022, 11:56:14 AM



Subscribe your application and users to Platform Notifications via the SetNotificationPreferences call. A separate call must be made for the application, and then for each individual user/subscriber.  The steps below walk through an example of subscribing an Application and User to the End Of Auction notification event.

Detailed Description

Briefly, the process is this:

1) For each of the users you support, you need to use that user's auth token and call SetNotificationPreferences with a 'list' (set of XML nodes actually) of messages that user would like to subscribe to.   Here is a sample XML request that will enable a user for EOA (End of Auction) and Feedback notification messages:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

<SetNotificationPreferencesRequest xmlns="urn:ebay:apis:eBLBaseComponents">
















2) Call SetNotificationPreferences again with the URL you wish your application to receive notifications from.  Here is a sample XML request.  You would need to fill in the URL for your server and a token for a user of your application (your own userId is fine). 

Best practice:  Don't include the <ApplicationDeliveryPreferences> container in the SetNotificationPreferences user level subscription request showing above because application level setting applies to each of your subscribed users.

 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

<SetNotificationPreferencesRequest xmlns="urn:ebay:apis:eBLBaseComponents">










3) A final note:  If one of your users unsubscribes from your service, then please use the API to unsubscribe them from Platform Notifications. 

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