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This container stores application-specific information that is provided at the time of registration.

Types that use ClientSettings

Not used by any types.

Call that uses ClientSettings


User-friendly name for the third party financial application.

Note: Language tags are not supported. Therefore, client_name must be specified in English.
array of string
This container stores an array of email addresses that can be used to contact the registrant.

Note: When more than one email address is provided, the first email in the array will be used as the developer account's email address. All other email addresses will be used as general contact information.
The URL string pointing to a human-readable privacy policy document that describes how the third party provider collects, uses, retains, and discloses personal data.

Note: Only HTTPS URLs are supported for policy_uri strings.
Note: This URL must not point to the eBay Privacy Policy.
The value of this field must point to a valid and secure web page.

Note: Language tags are not supported. Therefore, policy_uri will be displayed in English.
array of string
An array of redirection URI strings for use in redirect-based flows such as the authorization code and implicit flows.

Note: Only the first URI string from the list will be used.Note: Each redirection URI must be an absolute URI as defined by [RFC3986] Section 4.3.
A unique identifier string assigned by the client developer or software publisher to identify the client software being registered.

Unlike client_id which should change between instances, the software_id should be the same value for all instances of the client software. That is, the software_id should remain unchanged across multiple updates or versions of the same piece of software. The value of this field is not intended to be human readable and is usually opaque to the client and authorization server.
The Software Statement Assertion (SSA) that has been issued by the OpenBanking identifier.

Note: This value must be Base64 encoded and not plain JSON.Refer to RFC 7591 - OAuth 2.0 Dynamic Client Registration Protocol for complete information.

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