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This enumerated type is used to indicate whether an aspect is recommended or optional.

Type that uses AspectUsageEnum


Calls that use AspectUsageEnum


This enumeration value is returned if the corresponding aspect is either required (aspectRequired: true) or recommended for the listing category. If a recommended aspect is not hard-mandated/required (aspectRequired: false), it is still highly recommended that the seller pass in the aspect name/value pair(s) if the aspect information is applicable and known, as this will ensure that the product listing is as complete and accurate as possible. It is also a good idea to pass in recommended aspects as these aspects may become mandated in the future.
This enumeration value indicates that the corresponding aspect is optional for the listing category. Like this enumeration value alludes to, it is optional that you pass in this aspect name/value pair, but if the aspect information is applicable and known, it is still a very good idea to pass in optional aspects, as this will ensure that the product listing is as complete and accurate as possible.

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