eBay's base components are simple and complex types that model eBay business-level objects (e.g., items,) as well as eBay API-specific concepts (e.g., detail levels). The abstract request and response types are also base types. Refer to Message types for additional information.

When designing an application's business logic, it is important to understand numerous eBay concepts and elements including:

Each of the above components contains a number of subcomponents. For example, Item comprises a number of objects that describe the details of the listing itself, such as Title and Description, as well as other business-level information.

Many subcomponents are defined as simple types in the schema. For example, Item.Title is a simple type that just takes a string value. Some components are complex types that group sets of data into logical subcomponents, according to their usage. For example, an Item can contain a ShippingDetails object, which contains a number of other components.

The schema, either XSD or WSDL, provides a low-level view of how each component is modeled. For information about downloading schema files, refer to: