XML Reference for Sell Feed LMS Feed TypesVersion 1355

Applicable values for OrderReportResponse.OrderArray.Order.TransactionArray.Transaction.eBayCollectAndRemitTaxes.TaxDetails.Imposition

Reserved for internal or future use.
This enumeration value indicates that a Goods and Services import tax was charged to the buyer against the order line item.

This tax type is only applicable for items being sold by Australian or New Zealand sellers.
This enumeration value indicates that French VAT tax was charged to the buyer against the order line item.

This tax type is only applicable for items sold on the eBay France marketplaces.
This enumeration value indicates that standard sales tax was charged to the buyer against the order line item.
This enumeration value indicates that European VAT tax was charged to the buyer against the order line item.

This enumeration applies to VAT tax on the UK marketplace, the Norway marketplace, and other EU marketplaces (except for France).
This enumeration value indicates that an electronic waste recycling fee was charged to the buyer against the order line item.